



In just a few minutes you can produce site inventories, site registers, bill of quantities and get detailed supplier insights using AI.

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What is Airdoc.Pro?

Airdoc.Pro is an advanced AI-driven platform designed for efficient data extraction, allowing users to produce site inventories, site registers, bills of quantities, and gain detailed supplier insights in a fraction of the time. By simply dragging and dropping scans, photos, or PDFs, you can quickly process and organize critical delivery documents.

What are the main features of Airdoc.Pro?

  1. AI-Driven Data Extraction: Airdoc.Pro extracts fields and line items from delivery tickets, ensuring every delivery is accounted for and organized.

  2. Cost Reduction: Users can reduce delivery ticket processing costs by up to 40%, creating visible access for all teams.

  3. Material and Delivery Metrics: The system provides data for better cost management and visibility into supplier performance.

How to use Airdoc.Pro?

To utilize Airdoc.Pro, simply sign up and start using the drag-and-drop feature for processing your delivery documents. You can take advantage of the free trial to familiarize yourself with the AI capabilities. Once ready, you can explore the subscription plans for enhanced features and capacities.

What pricing options are available for Airdoc.Pro?

  • Pay As You Go:

    • £2.00 per page, with the first 100 pages free.
    • Suitable for small projects focusing on automating record generation and internal processing.
  • Pro Plan:

    • £1359 per month for up to 5,500 pages, with £0.25 per page thereafter.
    • Involves automated document creation, carbon emissions tracking, and tailored document processing for your needs.

Helpful Tips

  • Take advantage of the free 7-day trial to explore all features and understand how Airdoc.Pro can streamline your processes.
  • Regularly review your data insights to enhance supplier performance evaluations and make informed decisions.
  • Automate as many functions as possible to free up time for more strategic tasks within your organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Airdoc.Pro help in reducing the time taken for data processing?

Absolutely! Airdoc.Pro's powerful AI capabilities drastically cut turnaround times by automatically organizing and extracting critical data.

Is there a limit on the number of pages I can process?

With the Pro Plan, you can process up to 5,500 pages monthly, but if you require more, you can contact Airdoc.Pro for a customized solution.

How does Airdoc.Pro ensure data accuracy?

The AI continually learns from each document processed, improving accuracy over time and providing detailed insights into every item related to your projects.

What if I am not satisfied with my subscription?

Airdoc.Pro offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for your peace of mind. If it doesn’t meet your needs, you can cancel anytime.

How can I maximize the use of Airdoc.Pro within my company?

Leverage the extensive data reporting, customizable templates, and automated insights features to improve your internal processes and communication across teams.

With Airdoc.Pro, you can transform how your organization handles documentation, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and productivity.

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