Albert AI - Your AI Assistant for Slack

Albert AI - Your AI Assistant for Slack





Meet Albert! Your AI powered assistant for Slack.

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Albert AI - Your AI Assistant for Slack


What is Albert AI?

Albert AI is an innovative application designed for Slack that allows users to harness the capabilities of OpenAI's ChatGPT directly within their Slack workspace. Every conversation is organized in a separate thread, enabling users to pick up right where they left off, streamlining communication and productivity.

What is the main feature of Albert AI?

  1. No Monthly Subscription: Albert AI operates without a monthly fee; users bring their own OpenAI license key.

  2. Seamless Integration: Easily integrates into your existing Slack environment, enhancing team collaboration.

  3. Threaded Conversations: Keeps all discussions organized for easy reference.

  4. User Control over Costs: Users are responsible for their OpenAI usage fees, giving them full control over expenses.

How to use Albert AI?

To utilize Albert AI, simply install the app in your Slack workspace and enter your OpenAI license key to get started. As it operates without a subscription, you gain immediate access to AI-powered features in your Slack environment.

How much does Albert AI cost?

Currently, Albert AI is entirely free for users. However, it requires an OpenAI key, meaning you'll be responsible for any associated OpenAI usage fees.

Helpful tips for using Albert AI

  • Set Spending Limits: It's advisable to set spending limits on your OpenAI API key to avoid unexpected charges. This can protect against accidental usage or any unauthorized access.

  • Uninstall for Data Removal: If you ever decide to uninstall Albert AI, know that all your data, including your API key, will be deleted from their platform.

  • Regular Monitoring: Keep track of your usage on the OpenAI account dashboard to stay informed about your API consumption and costs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you store/log the message content?

No, message content is not stored or logged. Conversations are processed in real-time and sent directly to OpenAI's API without being archived.

Why do you need my OpenAI Key?

The OpenAI key is required to enable access to ChatGPT services without incurring costs on the side of Albert AI. Each user is responsible for their OpenAI usage fees, which allows the app to remain free.

Can I limit how much the app can spend?

Absolutely! It is not only encouraged but also simple to set a spending limit on your OpenAI API key. This feature ensures you control your costs effectively.

Is my API key being shared?

No, your API key is exclusive to your use within your Slack workspace and is not shared with any other user or application.

How can I delete my API key from your platform?

To remove your API key, uninstall the Albert AI app from your Slack workspace. This action will erase all associated data. We also recommend revoking the API key from your OpenAI dashboard to ensure complete data privacy.


Albert AI streamlines your interaction with AI in Slack, offering flexibility and control over your usage and costs. It's an excellent tool for teams looking to enhance collaboration and productivity without the burden of monthly fees.

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