






Prompteam combines ChatGPT's capabilities with Slack's features for seamless AI-powered collaboration and productivity.

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What is Prompteam?

Prompteam is an innovative platform that blends the functionalities of ChatGPT and Slack, designed specifically for enhancing collaboration and productivity through Generative AI workflows. This unique integration allows teams to seamlessly communicate while leveraging the power of AI for various tasks, making it an essential tool for modern businesses.

Main Features of Prompteam

  1. Generative AI Workflow: Streamline all your AI-related tasks in a single space for maximum efficiency.

  2. Collaborative Platform: Stay updated with real-time notifications, ensuring team members are informed and aligned.

  3. Reusable Prompts: Create structured prompts that can be reused, saving time and optimizing workflows.

  4. Language Model Built for Work: AI acts as another team member, ready to help whenever needed.

How to Use Prompteam?

Using Prompteam is straightforward. Users can create and customize prompts for repeated tasks, collaborate with team members in real-time, and manage various workflows efficiently. The platform is user-friendly, making it accessible for both individuals and teams.

Pricing Plans

  • Free Plan:

    • Ideal for individuals or small teams starting out.
    • Cost: $0

    • Includes 5 members, 1 workspace, 10 free prompts, 3000 AI credits per month, unlimited chatrooms, and 5GB storage per member.
  • Pro Plan:

    • Most popular choice for growing teams needing more collaboration features.
    • Cost: $9 per month

    • Includes up to 10 members, 1 workspace, 40 prompts, unlimited AI credits, unlimited chatrooms, 10GB storage per member, analytics, and global search.
  • Business Plan:

    • Designed for larger teams requiring comprehensive solutions.
    • Cost: $15 per month

    • Unlimited members, 1 workspace, unlimited prompts, unlimited AI credits, unlimited chatrooms, 20GB storage per member, analytics, global search, and 100+ integrations.
  • Enterprise Plan:

    • For large companies looking to enhance their AI workflows.
    • Cost: Contact for pricing.

Helpful Tips

  • Take advantage of the free plan to explore the platform's capabilities before upgrading.
  • Regularly customize and save prompts to enhance efficiency in your team's workflows.
  • Utilize real-time updates to maintain communication and collaboration among team members.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I create custom prompts in Prompteam?

Yes, users can build their own prompts tailored to their specific workflow needs.

Is there a limit to the number of AI credits?

The number of AI credits depends on your chosen pricing plan, with unlimited AI credits available in the Pro and Business plans.

How does Prompteam differ from ChatGPT and Slack?

Prompteam combines the collaborative features of Slack with the generative capabilities of ChatGPT, enabling users to perform AI workflows while collaborating seamlessly.

What kinds of prompts can I create?

Prompteam allows you to create a variety of prompts, including those for ad copywriting, email composition, customer feedback analysis, legal documentation, and much more tailored to different business needs.

How does Prompteam ensure user privacy?

User privacy is prioritized, with strict measures in place to protect sensitive information and data.

For those looking to supercharge their team productivity, Prompteam offers an innovative solution bridging communication and AI technology.

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