




adapt your schedule to your waking hours

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What is rotime?

rotime is an innovative scheduling tool designed to create a flexible routine that adapts to your actual hours. This platform allows users to manage their time effectively by customizing events and appointments that fit their lifestyle, ensuring no routine is missed.

What are the main features of rotime?

  1. Flexible Start/End Times: Users can set events with flexible timings to accommodate their schedules.

  2. Alerts: Get notified of upcoming time-fixed appointments to stay organized.

  3. All-Day Events: Ideal for holidays, thematic days, and establishing habits.

  4. Routines: Create reusable templates for events and tasks for quick scheduling.

  5. Custom Start Time: Set a specific start time for your day or let it auto-detect.

  6. Timeboard: Offers an overview of your routines at a glance.

  7. Focus-Aware UI: Reduces distractions by emphasizing the current event, dimming the other items slightly.

  8. Checklists: Incorporate tasks within events that can be marked as completed or skipped.

  9. Historical Data: Access and review past dates for future planning.

  10. Export Data: Easily download all your personal data for safekeeping.

  11. Dark/Light Mode: The interface adapts to your device's theme settings for a comfortable viewing experience.

How to use rotime?

Using rotime is straightforward. Users can sign up and begin creating their personalized schedules by adding events, alerts, and routines. The platform allows for easy modification of events with flexible time settings and provides notifications for any time-fixed appointments. With the focus-aware UI, it’s easy to stay on task and manage your schedule effectively.

What is the price of rotime?

rotime operates on a subscription model that provides access to all features. Pricing plans are designed to cater to different user needs, ensuring flexibility and affordability. Specific details on the pricing plans can be found on the rotime website.

Helpful Tips

  • Utilize Routines: Save time by creating routines for repetitive tasks.

  • Be Proactive with Alerts: Set alerts a few minutes before appointments to stay ahead of your schedule.

  • Explore Historical Data: Use past events to better plan future arrangements.

  • Customize Your UI: Switch between dark and light modes for optimal visibility based on your preference.

  • Regularly Update Your Timezone: Ensure your events are accurate by regularly checking and setting your timezone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set reminders for my events?

Yes, rotime allows you to set alerts for time-fixed appointments, ensuring you never miss a scheduled event.

What types of events can I create?

You can create flexible start/end events, all-day events, and time-sensitive alerts tailored to your needs.

Is my data secure on rotime?

Absolutely! rotime prioritizes user security and ensures that your personal data is protected and not shared without your consent.

Can I access rotime on multiple devices?

Yes, rotime is accessible across various devices, allowing you to manage your schedule wherever you are.

How do I export my data?

Users can easily export their data through the platform settings, ensuring you have records of your events and routines.

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